SSC GD Normalization Score Check: Staff Selection Commission (SSC) recently conducted examinations for SSC GD. Their answer Key has been uploaded on the official website of the Answer Key department. Students can easily check their marks and ssc score card here.

SSC GD Normalization Marks
Let us tell you that the marks checked by you are not responsible for bringing your name inside the final merit. Rather, after getting the total marks here, the normalization process is adopted. After this, the marks of some students become more than the official marks while the marks of some students come less than the marks obtained by them.
SSC GD Normalization Score Card
In this way, the candidate should not make his final evaluation on the basis of the answer sheet given by the department. Rather you have to wait for the normalization process. Only after this your final score card will be uploaded. Students whose name will be under SSC GD final merit list 2023 only they will be invited for SSC GD Recruitment. In today’s article, we will tell you in detail about this normalization process.
SSC GD Normalization 2023
Let us tell you that since the answer Key released by the department, the students who appeared in the SSC GD exam have already estimated their rank. But you have to wait for the normalization process first. Only after this you can make an estimate regarding your selection. There are total 80 Questions or 160 marks in the exam conducted in the year 2023. In this, students also have to face negative marking.
SSC GD 2023 Rank After Normalization
A link to the response sheet of the students has been given inside the official answer key released by SSC in the month of February. After downloading that response, you will be able to easily see which answer you have selected for this question. Along with this, you can also match it with the correct answer. After doing this, the marks you will get are called Raw Marks.
That is, these are the marks that you have obtained on the basis of all the questions that appeared in your exam. After this normalization process will be adopted by ssc in which some students will get less marks than raw marks whereas some students may get more marks than raw marks.
SSC GD Normalization Score Check 2023
The correct figure of the process of normalization will be issued by the department only. However, there are some websites which divide the questions coming in the exam into different parts on the basis of difficulty and ease and estimate normalization on the basis of this. Today we will tell you the process of checking normalization marks through this website.
How to check SSC GD Normalization Rank with RankIQ
- First of all you go to the official website of RankIQ. You can directly visit by clicking on this Normalization Marks for SSC GD
- First of all, copy the URL of your response sheet or Answer Key. After this, paste it in place of the url on this website.
- After this you have to select your category.
- If you are a female applicant then click on yes otherwise proceed with none
- After this you choose your state. At last you have to select your district.
- After this, to login to the website, you will have to create a password of your own, in which there Must have at least four characters.
In this way, you people click on their button. Now your response sheet will be checked by the website and accordingly it will be told how many questions you have attended. Along with this, it will also be told that how correct the answers given by you are and how wrong they are. After this, at the end you will be told the normalization score according to the level of questions and according to your category. You should keep in mind that the figures given by this website are not officially certified. That’s why you should visit the official website of SSC for the final scorecard.
How does SSC do GD Normalization?
Due to computer based examinations, there are many Shifts and many days are taken for a single examination. So sometimes students get easy question paper and sometimes some students get difficult question paper. Due to this, students who get difficult question paper get less marks. To remove this bias, the process of normalization is done by the departments, in which the total marks of the students are increased or decreased according to the difficulty level of their question paper.
How to download normalization score card?
The Staff Selection Commission will soon upload the final score card for recruitment to the posts of SSC GD on its official website, in which the marks of the students will be included only after following the process of Normalization.
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