The Lucknow University Admit Card 2023 can be downloaded from the official website, This notice pertains to the publication of UG and PG Annual as well as 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Semester Admit Cards. Numerous students are eagerly awaiting the release date of LU Online Admit Card 2023 (kab aayega). The Admit Card will be made available on either the official website,, or This article elaborates on the procedure and timeline for students of Lucknow University to download their Admit Card for the session 2022-23.

Lucknow University Admit Card 2023
In preparation for the upcoming annual examinations of Lucknow University for both undergraduate (UG) and postgraduate (PG) courses, the university has recently published the official admit cards. These valuable hall tickets are provided to the students who are currently enrolled at Lucknow University. The issuance and creation of these admit cards are carried out under the supervision of the designated exam conducting authority at Lucknow University. It is important to note that the admit cards are currently available for UG course students. Both UG and PG students can conveniently acquire their hall tickets by accessing the university’s designated online platform and providing the required login credentials.
Lucknow University is set to announce the release of admit cards for the remaining students enrolled in various courses. As a renowned educational institution, LU attracts a sizable number of students pursuing bachelor’s and master’s degrees. To stay informed about important updates, students are advised to regularly check the official web portal of Lucknow University. Once the university unveils the admit cards or provides any relevant information pertaining to course exams, we will promptly notify you on this platform. Stay connected with us for the latest notifications from Lucknow University.
Lucknow University Admit Card 2023
University Name | Lucknow University (LU online) |
Exam Type | UG /PG 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year / 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Semester |
Courses Name | BA, Bsc, B.Com, BCA, BBA, B.Ed, MA M.Sc, M.Com, MBA, MCA |
Exam Date | 20 June to 24 August 2023 |
Article Category | Admit Card |
Lucknow University Admit Card 2023 Status | 3rd Week of June 2023 |
Mode of Download Admit Card | Online |
Official Website | |
LU Admit Card 2023 BA BSc BCom B.Ed MA 1st, 2nd, 3rd Year
The Lucknow University Admit Card for various courses such as B.Sc, B.Com, BBA, BA 1st, 2nd, 3rd year, B.Ed, MA, MSc, MCom, etc., has been recently released. The examination conducting authority of Lucknow University has made the admit card available on its official website. It is important to note that the Lucknow University Admit Card 2023 can only be accessed online and not through any other mode of declaration. To obtain the hall ticket, students can either visit the university’s official website or utilize the links provided on our page. It is highly recommended that students to download the hall ticket well in advance of the examination dates.
Kindly review the revised text below:
The Lucknow University UG PG Part 1, 2, 3 Admit Card 2023 provides essential information such as
- Name of University
- Examination Name
- Candidate’s Name
- Parents’ Names
- Gender
- Registration Number
- Date of Birth
- Roll Number
- Exam Date
- Exam Center address
- Center Ccode
- Subject Code
- Exam Timings
- Instructions, and guidelines for students to follow during the examinations.
It is crucial for students to download their admit cards before the specified deadline, as the exams will be conducted in offline mode. Take note of the keywords: Lucknow University.
Lucknow University Admit Card Download 2023 1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th Semester
The Lucknow University Admit Card for the 2023 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, and 6th Semesters is now available for download. It is mandatory for all students to obtain and bring their admit card to the examination hall. Failure to do so will result in being denied entry to the exam center. The admit card is an essential document that must be carried during the examination. It can be downloaded by all students who have applied or registered for the examination, including those enrolled in B.Sc and B.Com courses. Obtain your admit card now to ensure a smooth examination process.
How to Download the Lucknow University Admit Card 2023 Online?
To download the Lucknow University Admit Card 2023 online, follow these steps in a professional manner:
1. Begin by visiting the official website of Lucknow University at
2. On the home page, navigate to the portal specifically designated for the admit card.
3. Enter the required Form Number accurately.
4. Click on the submit button to proceed.
5. After submitting the form, you will be directed to a new page where the Admit Card for LUniversity 2023 will be displayed on your screen.
6. Lastly, for your convenience and future reference, promptly print out and download the Lucknow University Admit Card 2023.
By following these instructions, you will successfully obtain the Lucknow University Admit Card 2023, ensuring that you are adequately prepared for any future requirements.
Download Lucknow University Admit Card | Click Here |
Official Website | |
“We trust that the provided information proves beneficial to all individuals. In the event that any student harbours inquiries or concerns, kindly address them by leaving a comment in the designated comment section. Rest assured, we will promptly address all queries. Stay connected for additional updates pertaining to Lucknow University and ensure notifications are enabled.”
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